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An Introduction to the Zero Waste Blueprint
What to Expect from the Blueprint
What is Zero Waste?
[Zone 1] A Low-Waste Kitchen
Introduction: A Low-Waste Kitchen
Do a Trash Audit
Shop Bulk and Think Beyond Bulk
No More Food Waste Challenge
Extra: Food Waste Eradicator Webinar (34:17)
[Zone 1 Workshop] 5 Food Scrap Recipes (42:00)
[Zone 2] A Waste-Free Bathroom
Introduction: A Waste-Free Bathroom
Assess Your Shower Space
Assess Your Sink Situation
Bonus: Makeup Challenge
Water Usage Challenge
[Zone 2 Workshop] Simple Bathroom DIYs (41:45)
[Zone 3] Green Cleaning
Introduction: Green Cleaning
Do a Cleaning Supplies Audit
Make a Swap 1: Under the Sink
Make a Swap II: Everywhere Else
Bonus: A Declutter Challenge
[Zone 3 Workshop] A Sample Cleaning Audit (32:22)
[Zone 4] A Low-Waste Workplace
Introduction: A Low-Waste Workplace
What's It Like at Work? Assessment
Tackle Your Coworkers: A Game Plan
Make a Change Challenge
[Zone 4 Workshop] 10 Simple Swaps/Actions to Reduce Waste in the Workplace (36:12)
[Zone 5] Zero Waste IRL
Introduction: Zero Waste IRL
[Zone 5 Workshop] Strategies for Your To-Go Kit + Beyond! (33:20)
Do a Day-to-Day Assessment
Craft the Perfect To-Go Kit
Deal with the Nay-Sayers
[Zone 6] Minimizing Mindfully
Introduction: Minimizing Mindfully
What Are You Spending?
Do Minimalism and Zero Waste Go Together?
10 in 15 Challenge
[Zone 6 Workshop] 10 in 15, Explained (20:04)
Tips for Avoiding the Landfill While Minimizing
[Zone 7] Your At-Home Garden
Introduction: Your At-Home Garden
What's Your Growing Potential?
Tools for Laying Out Your Garden
An Intro to Low-Waste Gardening
[Zone 8] De-Trash Travel
Introduction: De-Trash Travel
Build Your Travel To-Go Kit
What's the Best Way to Travel?
Plan Your Low-Waste Visit
Deal With Your Carbon Emissions
[Zone 8 Workshop] So What's the Deal with Carbon Offsets? (18:38)
[Zone 9] All About Composting
Introduction: All About Composting
Find Your Compost Sweet Spot
Find Outside Arrangements
Food Waste and Compost Challenge
[Zone 9 Workshop] Starting a Composting Program (26:57)
[Zone 10] An Ethical Wardrobe
Introduction: An Ethical Wardrobe
Complete a Closet Assessment
Declutter Mindfully
The Pare Down Challenge
[Zone 11] Community Action
Introduction: Community Action
Who is Your Community?
Start a Zero Waste Group
Host a Zero Waste Event
[Zone 12] Zero Waste Holidays
Introduction: Zero Waste Holidays
The "No Wasteful Gifts, Please" Talk
Wrap Sustainably
Make Zero Waste Resolutions
Find Your Compost Sweet Spot
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