Getting rid of all the plastic packaging in your life. Eradicating food waste. Hours and hours of frustrating research.
An exhausting work day. Wrangling kids. Convincing the rest of the world recycling isn’t the answer to our environmental problems.
The statistics are frightening and the day-to-day is overwhelming.
Trying to de-trash your life and enact sustainable changes while still living your life can feel totally impossible. We want to live a perfect zero waste life right away when in fact making these changes is a slow, habit-building process.
That’s where The Essential Zero Waste Blueprint comes in.
Each month focuses on a different aspect of zero waste life (the 12 zero waste zones – see below), helping you break down a complex problem into smaller, actionable steps. We’ll tackle a different zone of zero waste living with quick weekly mini-lessons and one live mini-action session each month.
The Essential Zero Waste Blueprint will help you craft a personalized plan specific to you and your lifestyle by offering two different actionable tips for every lesson. If you feel super confident about one area, you can choose the more difficult path (Time to Spare tips). If you’re not sure or just aren’t interested in making big changes in another zone, just choose the simpler option (Quick Fix tips).
Here's what a typical written lesson might look like:
Here’s a look at a hypothetical member of The Blueprint community, Selena. (Selena may or may not be modeled after my mom!)
She started by bringing her own mug to get coffee every day and talking about zero waste with her office mates. She wants to continue to make small changes like reducing waste when she goes out. With a long commute, busy work day, and meeting with friends, she hasn’t yet found a way to do it.
By joining Blueprint, she learns how to create a low-waste zero waste kit perfect for her needs (Quick Fix). Then, when she has more free time, she learns how to change her diet in order to drastically reduce her carbon emissions! (Time to Spare)
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from almost four years of living zero waste and over a year of running Green Indy, it’s that flexibility is key. Everyone has different needs – and The Essential Zero Waste Blueprint is here to cater to those needs.
Not everyone learns best through reading and worksheets, though, which is why I’ll also include a workshop in each zone. I’ll teach you hands-on practical skills and DIYs relating to that month’s topic.
Those workshops? Over $175 worth of extra education - all included in the price of The Blueprint!
Feel ready to take on a zero waste journey that looks far beyond just a plastic bag?
Join the movement for one payment of $199!
Polly is the founder of, a website dedicated to making zero waste more accessible and spreading eco-activism through community building. She began her zero waste journey in 2015 just above the poverty line in a food desert, which shaped her desire to advocate for accessibility in the movement. Polly also founded Zero Waste Lafayette and runs zero waste workshops, lectures, and a variety of community programs throughout Indiana. She currently lives in Lafayette, Indiana with her very patient husband and cat Lunch Box.